Summary of listed companies announcements (2)
Code Company Summary
00240 BUILD KING HOLDCirculars
00240 BUILD KING HOLDAnnouncements and Notices - (Notice of AGM)
00240 BUILD KING HOLDAnnouncements and Notices - (Amendment of Constitutional Documents)
00240 BUILD KING HOLDFinancial Statements/ESG Information - (Annual Report / Environmenta
l, Social and Governance Information/Report)
00240 BUILD KING HOLDCirculars - (Amendment of Constitutional Documents / Re-election or
Appointment of Director subject to Shareholders' Approval / Explanat
ory Statement for Repurchase of Shares / General Mandate)
00259 YEEBO (INT'L H)Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
00270 GUANGDONG INV Announcements and Notices - (Date of Board Meeting)
00288 WH GROUP Announcements and Notices - (Profit Warning / Inside Information)
00317 COMEC Announcements and Notices - (Date of Board Meeting)
00327 PAX GLOBAL Circulars
00327 PAX GLOBAL Financial Statements/ESG Information - (Annual Report)
00327 PAX GLOBAL Announcements and Notices - (Notice of AGM / Closure of Books or Cha
nge of Book Closure Period)
00327 PAX GLOBAL Financial Statements/ESG Information - (Environmental, Social and Go
vernance Information/Report)
00327 PAX GLOBAL Circulars - (Amendment of Constitutional Documents / Re-election or
Appointment of Director subject to Shareholders' Approval / Explanat
ory Statement for Repurchase of Shares / General Mandate)
00333 TOP FORM INT'L Announcements and Notices - (Continuing Connected Transaction)
00354 CHINASOFT INT'LAnnouncements and Notices - (Other - Miscellaneous)
00373 ALLIED GROUP Announcements and Notices - (Final Results / Revision of Information
in Published Preliminary Results)
00381 KIU HUNG INT'L Announcements and Notices - (Change in Directors or of Important Exe
cutive Functions or Responsibilities)
00386 SINOPEC CORP Announcements and Notices - (Date of Board Meeting)
00387 LEEPORT(HOLD) Announcements and Notices - (Amendment of Constitutional Documents)
00396 HING LEE (HK) Financial Statements/ESG Information - (Annual Report)
00396 HING LEE (HK) Announcements and Notices - (Notice of AGM / Closure of Books or Cha
nge of Book Closure Period)
00396 HING LEE (HK) Financial Statements/ESG Information - (Environmental, Social and Go
vernance Information/Report)
00396 HING LEE (HK) Circulars - (Amendment of Constitutional Documents / Re-election or
Appointment of Director subject to Shareholders' Approval / Explanat
ory Statement for Repurchase of Shares / General Mandate)
00422 VMEP HOLDINGS Announcements and Notices - (List of Directors and their Role and Fu
00472 NEW SILKROAD Announcements and Notices - (Continuing Connected Transaction / Dela
y in Dispatch of Circular or other Document)
00482 SANDMARTIN INTLAnnouncements and Notices - (Connected Transaction / Announcement by
Offeree Company under the Takeovers Code / Closure of Books or Chan
ge of Book Closure Period / Placing / Rights Issue / Trading Arrange
ments (other than Change in Board Lot Size) / Delay in Dispatch of C
ircular or other Document)
00484 FORGAME Circulars
00484 FORGAME Announcements and Notices - (Amendment of Constitutional Documents)
00484 FORGAME Announcements and Notices - (Notice of AGM / Closure of Books or Cha
nge of Book Closure Period)
00484 FORGAME Financial Statements/ESG Information - (Annual Report / Environmenta
l, Social and Governance Information/Report)
00484 FORGAME Circulars - (Amendment of Constitutional Documents / Re-election or
Appointment of Director subject to Shareholders' Approval / Explanat
ory Statement for Repurchase of Shares / General Mandate)
00486 RUSAL Announcements and Notices - (Continuing Connected Transaction)
00517 COSCO SHIP INTLAnnouncements and Notices - (List of Directors and their Role and Fu
00517 COSCO SHIP INTLAnnouncements and Notices - (Change in Directors or of Important Exe
cutive Functions or Responsibilities / Change of Remuneration Commit
tee Member)
# in ascending order of company codes, for further information, please visit HKEx news