Sex & Love

鑽石媒人Mei Ling - Mei Ling


#Sex & Relationship



















Combating Loneliness


  What is loneliness? It is that dreadful feeling of emptiness which takes away the color + taste from a person's life; it gets worse during festive seasons and a lot more painful as we grow older. Yet there's such a social stigma about loneliness that lonely people seldom admit they are lonely.


  It gives me goose bumps when I hear people exclaiming vehemently, “I like being alone!” or “I am quite happy being by myself!”… These are all blatant lies and the speaker is usually in denial…she does not dare to foster hope for fear of rejection or disappointment, or she is being preemptively defiant for fear that people might feel sorry for her.


  Genesis began with Adam & Eve. For agnostic atheists, just check and see that most parts of the human body do come in pairs - eyes, ears, arms, legs, lungs, livers, kidneys… Only one nose? Yes, but two nostrils… Only one mouth? But two lips…Only one heart? But two receiving and two discharging chambers… The earth has two poles and even chopsticks come in pairs… 


  The three common choices of life are vocation, marriage and celibacy. Vocation is when one gets a calling from on high and wants to spend everlasting life developing a relationship with “the man upstairs” …Marriage is probably the most desirable just as celibacy is the least, because the latter is seldom a conscious “choice” per se, but rather an involuntary situation thrust upon us. Does anybody really enjoy going to the movie, dining out, or travelling alone? Rarely. Having a companion is much more fun, and one is indeed a lonely number.


  Self denial is always destructive. The first step to combat loneliness is to admit that you don’t like it. By telling yourself you are happy when you are not, you unwittingly allow this lie to perpetuate the situation. Instead, learn to say, “I don’t enjoy being alone, but I manage. It would be nice to have a compatible life partner of course, and I am trying… Appropriate referrals appreciated!” Say it with a smile. It’s refreshingly honest and endearing.


  Moaning is likewise not constructive. Instead of lamenting, take the situation into your hands and do something about it.  Start by restructuring your life, so you’ll have more time to invest in yourself - your appearance, new hobbies, self enrichment programs, making new friends… Learn to be a better person, more courteous & caring, more tolerant & considerate - to EVERYBODY around you. Take that edge out of your voice, lose that attitude, mellow down that temper, smile more…As you look and feel better about yourself, you exude a new kind of confidence, a genuine goodness, a hearty laughter… you become more attractive, because the new radiance emanates from within… The rest will follow.

  As for those who are blessed by loving relationships, instead of mocking the afflicted, be charitable. Instead of being complacent about your own good fortune, be supportive. Initiating a conversation with a lone diner is kind; inviting a lonely friend on festive occasions is kinder. Don’t say it is none of your business, cos “ Four seas are all brothers”. 




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