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#xmas2019 #xmaslove #聖誕節 #Katy Perry #Taylor Swift #Movie & Drama #Art & Culture #xmasplay #newyear


  臨近聖誕節,要打開聖誕歌單聽著快樂旋律迎接佳節!不過每年循環播放的經典歌曲,Jingle Bell、Joy To The World、Santa Clause Is Coming To Town早就聽厭悶壞?不如把編者精挑的10首聖誕節流行歌加入今年歌單,為聖誕派對增添濃厚氣氛之餘,亦添上新鮮感!



Katy Perry

Cozy Little Christmas



“I don't need diamonds, no sparkly things

Just you and me, under a tree

a cozy little Christmas here with you.”


  第一首是Katy Perry 在剛剛的12月2日才發佈的節日新歌。不但旋律充滿輕快歡樂的節日氣氛,色彩繽紛、跳脫的MV情節更博得觀眾一笑。MV講述在聖誕節不需要鑽戒、或任何價格昂貴的禮物,因為金錢買不到開心,只要一個溫暖、舒適的節日已經足夠。So warm! 





Taylor Swift

Christmas Tree Farm



“Just being in your arms

takes me back to that little farm

where every wish comes true.”


  這首也是熱騰騰的新歌,在剛剛的12月5日由Taylor Swift發佈。這次沒有華麗的大型MV製作,反而以低質的80年代錄像剪接成,其實是Taylor Swift兒時的聖誕錄像,既展示自己童年的可愛樣子,也抒發想念家鄉的情感。雖然MV的像素低,但當中的真摯感情卻能觸碰到觀眾的心,勾起不少美國人的童年回憶。聽了這首歌,不少fans都感動留言,曾經的鄉村天后回來了。









“Let's go below zero and hide from the sun,

I love you forever where we'll have some fun.”






Ho Ho Ho



“Ho ho ho, this is Christmas baby

Ho ho ho, bring a friend if you please

Bring them all to their knees, ho ho ho”






Everyday is Christmas



“Everyday is Christmas when you're here with me.

I'm safe in your arms, you're my angel, baby.”







Ariana Grande

Santa Tell Me



“Santa, tell me if you're really there.

Don't make me fall in love again if he won't be here, next year!”







Justin Bieber




“Love, the wise men followed the star.

The way I followed my heart

and it led me to a miracle”


  一首輕快而溫暖的聖誕戀曲,講述年輕的男孩在聖誕節遇到真愛小鹿亂撞的心情。當年Justin Bieber乖巧靦腆的樣子,令聖誕節即時升溫。





Alessia Cara

Make It To Christmas



“Everything will be alright.

If we just hold on can we just make it to Christmas?”


  一首今年的新歌,講述一對情人的關係從恩愛跟著天氣一起冷淡了,能不能再撐下去?到聖誕,愛情可以被挽回嗎?歌手Alessia Cara稍顯沙啞的歌聲,隨性的節奏,讓這首試圖挽回愛情的歌,聽起來沒有傷感,反而多了一份希望。




Meghan Trainor

I'll Be Home



“I'll find my way back home

and light up every tree.

We will hang our stockings for you and one for me.”







Mariah Carey

All I Want For Christmas Is You



“I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know.

Make my wish come true. 

Baby, all I want for Christmas is you.”





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