


#職場 #職場英語 #英文教學 #學英文 #商業英語 #銷售行業 #潛在顧客 #Potential Customers #購買慾 #銷售技巧 #打工仔 #在職學習 #語言

  銷售工作無疑是一個艱難的商務領域。雖然有些客戶的確會令人生畏,但是作爲專業行銷人的你,必須視他們為潛在顧客(Potential Customers),絕不可放棄每個向他們銷售的機會。記住,在適當的時間適時說出正確的話,在銷售上絕對能發揮很大的作用!




  大家都知道,有購買慾才有機會成交。可是,到底怎樣才能刺激potential customers的購買慾望?很多推銷員都誤以爲跟對方説話的時間愈長,完成交易的機會就愈大。然而,事實上很多客戶都沒有太多時間傾聽銷售意見的,甚至乎他們一開始就已經不願意去接收這些信息。因此,你要向他們表示尊重,並感謝他們撥出寶貴時間駐足垂聽。




●    I’m sure you’re quite busy at the moment, so I’ll be very brief.



●    I won’t take very much of your time.







●    Would you be interested in…?



●    With your permission, I’d like to ask you some questions.



●    Please come in and have a look at our best sellers.



●    The best feature of the product is…



●    The two most important things to remember are…



●    When I first started using this…



●    The price of this product is unbeatable 無與倫比.





●    We are having a blowout sale 傾銷特賣today, come in and get yourself a bargain.



●    We currently have our special “buy one get one free 買一送一” offer available.



●    Today only, buy one and get the second at half price第二件貨品半價!



●    Come and check out our buyer’s paradise!

(歡迎蒞臨這買家樂園/ 購物天堂。)


●    This is a month-to-month 以月計的arrangement which will allow you to cancel anytime.



●    With prices so low, don’t be late or you will miss out!





●    We have to make room in our warehouse, so come in and check out our factory specials.



●    We are overstocked with inventory 庫存積壓and have more coming in. Help us out by reducing our inventory and we'll help you out by giving you free shipping on all orders!



●    These prices are never to be repeated.



●    Don’t delay; this offer ends soon.



●    It’s our once in a lifetime sale 唯一一次的優惠, so don’t miss it!



●    Come on in and try before you buy!







●    Let me take care of that for you.



●    I’d be happy to solve this for you.



●    I’ll send you an update by (e.g. E-mail/ WhatsApp).



●    I know you’ve been our customer for a long time and your loyalty is important to us.



●    I really appreciate you letting us know…...



●    Is there anything else I can help you with?





#語文增值 #職場 #學英文 #職場英語 #技能解鎖 #英語教學 #表達不滿 #解決問題 #技能增值

  在職場上,偶爾也會遇到不公平或不合理的事情,因此,了解如何專業地表達不滿絕對是一門學問。 長期把不滿或其他負面情緒埋藏在心裏的話,會嚴重影響情緒,使自己變得容易沮喪,繼而影響辦事效率,導致生產力下降。你有沒有想過,當以專業的方式表達不滿時,其實可以帶來建設性的成果,促進正向的工作環境?只要達到有效的溝通,互相表達自己的感受、看法,就可有助同事和合作夥伴之間創造一個相互尊重的工作環境,以減少誤會的發生。本周,筆者為大家準備了一系列的情景和處理方法,有助你日後能以專業的方式解決問題。


(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/ )




(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/ )


  ● You may encounter unfavorable work conditions and have no idea how to handle them professionally. You may feel overwhelmed, leading to potential missteps in addressing these concerns.





  1. Reacting impulsively or emotionally, which can result in irrational behavior.



  2. Expressing concerns in an accusatory or confrontational manner, leading to potential conflict with colleagues or superiors.





  ● "I have noted a few challenges 挑戰 related to our current work conditions that I believe merit our attention 值得我們關注. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss and explore potential solutions 潛在解決方案 that could benefit both the team and the organization."




  ● "I believe that there are certain work conditions that may benefit from further review, and I would welcome the opportunity to discuss potential improvements constructively 有建設性地."




(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/ )


  ● An employee may encounter work conditions that are impacting their performance but may be hesitant to address the issues professionally.





  ● Remaining silent and allowing the dissatisfaction to fester, which can lead to a decline in morale and productivity.





  ● “I have identified certain work conditions that I believe, if addressed 解決, could contribute to an improved work environment 有助於改善工作環境 for the team. I would appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback and potentially explore solutions together 共同探索解決方案.




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