
























Content & Discontent


  Henry gave Jessica, 36,  a Gucci handbag for Christmas. Asked why she wasn’t happy ? “ It’s one from last year’s collection, on sale at 50% off !!  Obviously he  didn’t think I would  notice the difference !!..” She said sulkily.


  John, 49, loves his miniature trains. His entire apartment is designed to fit the hundreds of tracks he had custom built for his train displays so much so one could hardly walk. All holidays are spent on visiting train museums. Katie’s tolerance & understanding is truly exceptional. Asked why he wouldn’t marry her,   “ at 5’2”, she is a bit short for my 5’8”…”


  “A wise man is he who does not grieve for the thing which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” – Epictetus


   “Discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man — and I will show you a failure.” ― Thomas A. Edison


  Epictetus & Edison, who is right & who is wrong ?  Is there any value in being discontent?  As we fly full throttle through life, is acceptance or discontent the more powerful force? 


  We are all born into societies with countless pre-existing conditions. This status quo  begins working on us from birth, molding the way we think and feel. Continuously reinforced by advertising and general consensus, it is so pervasive that often times we don’t even realize that there are alternatives. In Hong Kong, greed, the desire for  wealth and material objects  rather than compassion, understanding and kindness  are the driving forces of our society. The result can be seen in our ridiculously long working hours, the pursuit of luxury items and  increasingly lavish lifestyle. As a sweeping statement, and especially within the context of such an environment in present day Hong Kong,  I believe Edison to be wrong. 


  Discontent is not necessarily a catalyst for progress. We need motivation, aspirations, and compassion, we need plans and strategies , and we definitely need solid hard work to move forward, not covetousness. The insatiable, unrealistic craving for bigger, better, faster, more is the rudiment of ingratitude and self pity. Discontent is a negative, debilitating attribute and not a positive impetus.


  Surely, there must be some merits in discontent as it triggers evolution & improvement ? True, assuming grandpa and grandson  both finish within the first 100 places in a 10Km marathon, grandpa’s content with his own achievement would win accolade just as grandson’s complacency  would reap criticism, for he has yet to realize his full potentials. The hardest part in justifying discontent lies therefore  in one’s ability to realistically and correctly assess one’s own set of ever changing circumstances with due consideration of all outside factors including those beyond one’s control; and then have the courage, decency and honesty to scale back demands where applicable, making mental adjust-ments and psychological acceptance to suit reality. For instance, an ageing executive job seeker unwilling to curtail his high demands during a deep recession will simply not find a job, he can go on hating the world, but he stays unemployed. By the same token, a lady in her mid 40’s still adamantly hanging on to her list of criteria compiled in her  20’s will simply not find a husband. She can continue to remain a legend in her own mind and stay single forever. Wisdom would be if both the executive and the lady would accept their own changed circumstances and be content with less.


  Happiness doesn’t come from coveting something perfect one dreams about, but rather from  recognizing one’s true state of affairs, accepting realities ,  and appreciating what one has or what one can have under the given circumstances. 


  May I wish all ETNET readers the blessings of contentment in the Year of the Monkey.




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