英文面試技巧 │你的職業志向是甚麼?一文有齊5大方向、2大範例,唔怕被考起!
職業志向(Career Aspirations)通常是指長期的職業目標(a long-term career goal)、計劃或夢想,而不單單是短期的夢想。當面試官問你「What Are Your Career Aspirations?」時,其實對方是希望了解你對這份工作的態度,從而考察您自我規劃的能力,確定你的潛力是否符合企業的要求,進而方便日後為你制定職業生涯規劃。
Part 1—職業志向(Career Aspirations)的五大方向:
● Managerial success 管理上的成功
>> This aspiration shows that you plan on staying at the company for a long time
● Executive positions 行政職位
>> Sharing your goal to be an executive shows that you are ambitious(雄心壯志) and motivated(積極進取).
● Owning a business 擁有一家企業
>> This aspiration shows drive and passion; however, you might be perceived as someone not intending to stay for long.
● Becoming an expert 成為專家
>> This aspiration is a common career aspiration in academic and scientific fields.
● Earning acclaim and prestige 贏得好評和聲望
>> If you have the aspiration of earning acclaim (獲得讚譽)and a prestigious award, you have to be dedicated to your work(全心投入工作). This quality can be very attractive to employers.
Part 2—跟職業志向(Career Aspirations)有關的句子:
● I aspire to be exposed to managing a team.
● I hope to move into a position as a/an XXX.
● I aspire to be able to gain new skill sets that are applicable to future career opportunities.
● I aspire to be able to be more hands on with the company’s operations.
● I aspire to be able to obtain a stronger track record of result making.
Part 3—參考範例
When I think of my career aspirations, I think of a timeframe maybe 8 years from now. I have more 1tactical career goals that are 4 years from now, but for aspirations, I think of 2longer-term. 3Ideally, 4I aspire to be exposed to 5a broad set of skills that help me learn how to run 6enterprise businesses. I hope to be exposed to operations, marketing, and sales more fluently. I also aim to be part of a highly collaborative environment which can develop me as a professional person.
1. tactical career goals:策略性的職業目標
2. longer-term:長期;長遠
3. ideally:最理想的是……;理想地,
4. I aspire to be exposed to……:我渴望接觸……
5. a broad set of skills:廣泛的技能
6. enterprise businesses:企業業務
7With all of the skills that I currently have in marketing and public relations, I aspire to learn more about 8product development and 9be exposed to customer interactions in a deeper way. I think this will create a highly 10sought-after type of employee that is 11in high demand. One with a wide variety of skills that can 12strategically help companies move forward. That’s the type of professional I aspire to be.
7. With all of the skills that I currently have in XXX, ……:憑藉我目前在XXX方面的所有技能,……
8. product development:產品開發
9. to be exposed to XXX in a deeper way:深入了解XXX
10. sought-after:熱門的;廣受歡迎的;高度青睞的
11. in high demand:需求量大
12. strategically:戰略性地
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